Getting to Lego Land – 2010

by Kathryn Albert on Monday, 10 May 2010 at 20:40

My son has recently become a “lego brickmaster”.

He carries around this magazine, opened to an advertisement for lego land.  All day.  He reads the ad to me, over and over, working out scenarios about how we could travel to lego land – since there is a free ticket for an adult and a kid, he reasons, I could take him.  And Abbey, Lincoln, and Angela – they could go somewhere else, like, say, Disneyland, while we build our giant lego raft and sail into lego oblivion.

How will we get to California?  Well, says Fisher, we could always drive. I tell him how far away Lego Land is, and remind him that we have just traded our SUV for a Hybrid sedan.  He says, well, I guess we could drop Abbey off at her dad’s house. She doesn’t want to go to California, and anyway, her dad could take her in HIS car.

Or, suggests my lego-obsessed son, we could take a bus.  When I tell him that taking the bus would take even longer, and we would have to sit by smelly weird people, he says – all you have to do it sit by the bus driver, mom.  He makes sure the weird people don’t do anything to you.  And he probably has smelly spray stuff, because his job is on the bus, and he’s used to it.

Sensing that pointing out our travel limitations is not going to deter captain brickmaster, I point out that you have to have MONEY to get to Lego Land, which is in California, which is a LONG way from our house.  He says – don’t worry mom, all you have to do is take a picture of one of my creations, and post it on, and then I’ll be famous, and people will send me money, because when you’re famous, people do that.

He’s clearly covered all the bases.  Travel? Check.  Itinerary?  Check.  Financial plan? Check.

I’m desperate now.  For all intents and purposes, I am pretty much DOOMED to find a way to lego land, because this is the ONLY thing my son has ever really asked for in his life – and how do you crush the dreams of an almost seven year old?

So I say to him – your uncle Mike is coming this weekend. I’ll bet he’d LOVE to go to lego land.  And he could help you build that giant sized raft AND he can probably even swim. I think you should ask HIM how HE feels about your plan.

And the heat is off me for a while.

Damn those lego people and their flashy advertising, and yes, even their giant rafts (even though I have to admit that would be kinda cool, giant legos…right?).

Do they think I’m made of money?

Apparently, if I were famous, people would just send it to me.

I need to ponder that one for a while.  And while I’m at it, I’m going to think about how it is that a six year old boy has all the answers.  For life to only be as simple as a little boy’s plan to get to lego land.

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